Wednesday, March 18, 2009


This week Jim and I celebrated our 8th anniversary! I know, amazing!!! It does not feel like it has been that long! I guess that is a good thing! Like every other couple, we have had our rough times, and I mean really rough! Especially with everything we have been through in the last 3 and a half years. Some of my feelings are pretty tender. I almost can't believe that we have been able to work through things. I will say that looking back, I don't wish some of the times we have been through on my worst enemy. I love Jim with all of my heart! He has been amazingly strong and loving. Even when things aren't great, he somehow finds the good. It is his personal goal to see me smile at least once a day! For those who know us well, it has been very obvious at times that we were struggling, and hard. Jim is one amazing man! He has helped me and loved me through some pretty rough times! I only hope that I can remember a lot of the lessons I have learned and make the next 8 years a little easier on us all! We are so blessed and I look forward to being with him for whatever lies ahead!

Here is what 8 years has brought us... 4 amazing MIRACLES * Strength beyond our dreams *Compassion * Heartache turned to happiness * LOVE * Hope * laughter (because sometimes if you don't laugh, you just cry!)* Humility * Many great friends * Tears, lots of em', some good, some not so good! * learning that our Father in Heaven truly does love us and has blessed us in more ways than anyone can imagine * a little understanding :) * LOADS of caffeine!!! * Happiness * Joy * Sympathy * Short term memory loss!!! *

Although I am leery to see what the next 8 years bring, I can say I am ready to face the next 8 head on and with Jim by my side, I know we can conquer ANYTHING!!! I love you, Jim!


The Brugger Bunch said...

Oh my friend, I can barely see the keyboard thru my tears! What an amazing and tender post. I am in awe at the strength of both you and your sweet husband. There are very few people who could walk the difficult road that you both have with all of your little ones, and still come out stronger and smiling! Thank you so much for your amazing example. I am honored to know you and want to wish you both a Happy Anniversary.

kacee said...

Congrats! You guys are awesome! I am constantly wondering how you do it all...

Unknown said...

Brugger Bunch said it! There really are very few people who could go though what you two have been through and survive. You two make a great team and you are both such wonderful parents!

Happy Anniversary and good job!

Sarah said...

I guess I had forgotten that you guys have your anniversary right before ours. . . I totally remember your wedding day.

You guys ARE amazing. You've been through a lot. And you both have great senses of humor--I understand the laughing thing. I was just talking with a friend about that today. It is so important to see the positives and enjoy the humor of life. Bob. There's one right there! What a dork your cousin-in-law is. ha ha

We love you guys and say, "woo hoo" and "congratulations." Hope you did something fun!