Well, when tough things happen I want to try and find the good things! Here are a few happenings from the last week...
Because the basketball team came up short of their 3rd state championship in a row by about 9 points, our weekend was exhausting and challenging! But, we got to be with a lot of friends that are as close to family as they get. We had some exciting games and experiences that some people NEVER get to have in a single life time! These guys are a blast to be around! We sure love them!
Even though Lainey was sick as they come, she refused to miss a game! She dressed up in her little cheer outfit and tried her hardest to cheer! We later found out she got strep throat and the flu at the same time! OOPS!
Grayson and Porter got to stay with Grandpa and Grandma and Kandy. They had a blast, and as of today, neither one caught the flu or strep! AMAZING!!! We are so glad they kept them an extra day to avoid the germs! THANKS GUYS!
Trey and I got to spend some good, quality, one on one time! We had some very interesting conversations that made me smile. Because he is now potty trained, (SO FABULOUS) everything seems to revolve around the potty and underwear. Some of the funny things were... "why do da basketball guys show deah undaweah" to which I say "I am not sure Trey, they ARE sillly" "Well mom, I guess you bettah figya it out. Deh moms should tell dem dat is NOT ok. I hope dey brought an extwa peh... you know, just in case"
SO, at the semi-final game, I hear AHHH and laughing almost hysterically. I look over and some little kid has his pants and underwear down. I start to laugh when I realize, oh my goodness, that is MY kid!!! AHHHHH I say as I pick him up and pull up his britches. Then I realize, why in the world am I taking his clothes off for him all of the time? Little booger, he CAN do it! Guess the crowd at that game got their money's worth!!!
We got to spend Sunday evening with Jim's family. Some of them we haven't seen since Christmas, so we loved it! Some of them got to come to some of the games, so that was also a blast. Sometimes it is hard to be away from all of our family!
This might sound harsh, but today, Saidee got a new (great) home! I can barely keep up with the kids sometimes, so to have a dog has been extra challenging. I couldn't give her the attention she deserved, and now I feel some sort of relief!!!
I guess Jim got his arm twisted (I am sure pretty hard!!!) so he decided to coach golf! I am sure he will be so thrilled to be on the golf course every day! I always feel bad for those poor suckers who have to do that!!!
AND LAST, BUT NOT LEAST, FINALLY we have a closing date for our house!!! We will close the 27th of this month and hopefully move in the 28th! SO ANYONE not busy, we would love the help!
Oh my heavens, what a great post!!!! I ABSOLUTELY love hearing about what Trey says, you do it so perfectly!!!! LOL! Congratulations on your new home, that is so exciting! It is so wonderful to hear how you and your sweet little family are doing! We sure miss you!
Yea a house...that is GREAT NEWS! Keep us updated. Love you guys and it was so fun seeing you.
Ok those Trey moments are the best. I laugh so hard. Dropping his pants even better! Might as show everyone what he can do!! I can hear him talking when I read what you write. Kisses to everyone and I hope all are feeling better now.
Congrats on the new house! Lots of work but lots of fun in store
I love Trey stories! That's a funny one!
CONGRATS on the house! I am excited for you.
I would totally come with the truck and trailer.....BUT we are leaving that day for CA. I hope it goes well!
Don't feel bad Fritz doesn't live here anymore either. 4 kids and a dog is too much.
I miss you :(
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