Time sure flies when you are having fun! Life around these parts is absolutely insaine! Lots going on and certainly not enough time to do everything! Some pretty big mile stones are coming up this year and we will hit them with a bang!
Lainey is cheering tons! Cheer competitions and practices run every spare moment we thought we ever had! They asked her to compete on a second squad for the national competition in Anaheim in April, so that will keep us even busier! She is the star student in her class and is perfect! She has grown so much I might die! Wearing size 10 clothes and size 5 (in women) shoes! She is of course, still a little Diva and soo much fun!
Trey is sure doing great in Kindergarten! He is learning to read like a little champ. He is having some health issues and we are trying to figure him out! We are spending lots of time between Primary Children's and Shriners. Hopefully we will pin point our issues sooner than later. Lots of changes are in store for this little man this year, so lets pray we all tolerate them!!!
Porter has grown up so much. He is starting preschool in a couple of weeks and is so excited! He is potty trained (for the most part) YAY! and pretty much against his own will!!! It is much easier to go in a diaper! He dribbles a basketball for hours every day, and actually sits and watches his dad's team play! Porter has grown like a weed too! We just took the clothes Trey started to grow out of and handed them right down to Porter (size 5)!
Grayson is hilarious! He has to make sure that he gets enough attention, being the youngest! He is doing great developmentally. He is walking and talking like a pro. He insists on doing everything by himslef! A sure sign he is 2! HE has also grown like crazy! Now wearing size 3 and size 7 shoe! We still can't get him to stop sucking his thumb! He LOVES Woody and Buzz! He is sooo sweet and snuggly. Now if we can replace his favorite word "stupid" with something a little more charming.
Since basketball is full swing right now, life around these parts is pretty busy! My children eat out way too much! and going without sleep for many days and nights takes it's toll! But we sure have a lot of fun! I will post pics as soon as I find a minute to upload them!!! LOVE TO ALL
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Number 2 (two months late)
BRAD: Hey buddy! Is your name Trey?
Trey: Um, yeah. (with a bit of a flabbergasted look on his face)
BRAD: Hey Trey, I just want you to know how honored I feel to have you here and in my video tonight. You look like a pretty cool guy, Trey.
TREY: You ah a pwetty cool guy too. And I like ya song, ya know da one wewcom to da fewcha?
BRAD: (laugh) Yeah I like it too!
From that point on they were buddies! For some reason Brad really singled Trey out. He spent by far the most time with Trey, and he continued to come back to Trey over and over again. He was so sweet I could hardly believe that he is a celebrity!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
bad luck & BRAD PAISLEY
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Last night I asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up...he went through a list... a cook, a scientist, a stoah wukah, an ahtist, a dwivah, axuwy, foahget aw of dat. I guess I am going to be a video game pwogwamah!!! Where in the world he knows about that, I have no idea! What a funny boy.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
THe start of something new...blogging again
Trey Salli and Kenna. What a group of funny buddies!
This is the beginning of blog-catch-up 101! Hopefully I can get a bunch done in the next few days, cause heaven knows I just downloaded 500 pictures! This is our FABULOUS trip to BUHHHHH WAKE (Trey and Porter think it is FWEEZING!) with Jim's family. We had soooo much fun. We had wave runners and 4 wheelers and a TON of dirty, happy kids! We can't wait for Grandpa and Grandma to get back and come along with us!
Here is proof that my kids (Trey) spent a lot of time in the sun this year! They had to have a quick rinse in the lake before we went back to the camp site.
Grayson and daddy. Grayson enjoyed the sun and camping the least as the lake was cold and so were the nights. Luckily Grandpa Steve and Grandma Jill saved him and took him to their house one of the nights! THANKS SO MUCH!
Aren't they just the sweetest? These two have started to really love to play together. Porter is a big tease and knows how to push everyone's buttons, but usually Trey gets his feewings hut, and it is vewy sad! They sure are fun!
Jim and Salli (Twey's best buddy, no one ews's)
Our NUTTY little family! Of course Porter has to ham things up, and Grayson is sucking his thumb, Lainey is being a princess, and Trey is sure the camera is hooked to his toe!
My sweet baby is growing up. He finally gave in and decided to like the sand and water. It took a LONG time. He hates being exposed to new textures. I am so happy he was able to adapt!
Lainey LOVED being in the water and hardly ever took a break even to eat! She was so much fun to watch
Trey would get his life jacket on and not let anyone touch him for hours! By the time he would get out of the water his legs would hardly move!
This is the beginning of blog-catch-up 101! Hopefully I can get a bunch done in the next few days, cause heaven knows I just downloaded 500 pictures! This is our FABULOUS trip to BUHHHHH WAKE (Trey and Porter think it is FWEEZING!) with Jim's family. We had soooo much fun. We had wave runners and 4 wheelers and a TON of dirty, happy kids! We can't wait for Grandpa and Grandma to get back and come along with us!
Kenna, Lainey, Jake and Ethan. THe BIG kids!
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